What is Domain?

Memorize IP Address is very hard thing. For making this easy, DNS (Domain Name System) are using in Internet. A domain name is an identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority or control within the Internet. For example, Points Of Strategy.blogspot.com

By using this Domain name, we can easily find the IP Address of a website in Computer. A person or Institute who wants to display their website in internet must need to register a Domain. A men or Institute who want to made their brand image and for earning Advantages for them, they register a domain.

"Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers" (ICANN) are controlling IP Address and Domain name in the whole world.

Internet Assigned Numbers Authority or (IANA) is the Non-profit section of ICANN which essentially approve domain name registration. In the whole world, lot's of institute are registered by ICANN.

Domain name have many part. As, root level, Second level etc. By the part of domain name root level, we can assume Domain. [.]com is a powerful domain which is a commercial institute. [.]edu means educational institution domain. [.]net means network and [.] org means institutional.

All domain name are reserved by ICANN in database file. Inconsequence, there is no chance for duplicate domain. All the domain name is divided by "generic type" in internet. In present, we can see many popular generic domain which are .com .edu .net .org .gov .int and .mil.

Domain Domain type Examples
com Commercial Org Microsoft.com
net Network Service Bangla.net
edu Educational buet.edu
gov Government Whitehouse.gov
int International Org undp.int
mil US armed force usnavy.mil
org Non-profit org bctc.org

Also we can add two lettered extra word after our domain name. That kind of domain help is to understand the location of a country. For example, (www.buet.ac.bd) we can understand that, this address is belong to Bangladesh. All country have this type of Code Which is called "Country Domain".

What we need to know for choosing a Domain name?
  • Domain name must need to have a connection    with institute name and its purpose.
  • It should be small as much possible.
  • The name must be easy for memorize.
  • The pronunciation and spelling must need to be  easy.