There are two types of Website based on structure variations.

  1. Static Website.
  2. Dynamic Website.

Static Website

For loading Web technology or Starting Web pages, the value data of a Website which is unchangeable Called Static Website.

We need to learn HTML for build a Static Website.

Static website have many character.Which are--

  • The page content of Static website are spacified.
  • The load of this browser are very Fast.
  • It is not connected with the Database.
  • It have only one-way communication system which is based on seever to client.
  • the development and control system are very easy.
  • For developing this kind of website,we need to have knowledge about HTML and CSS.
The development and controlling system are very easy.
With skills, we can supply our content quickly.
We can store our data with high safety for not using Database.
The loading of the browser is very fast.
We can easily manage search engine.
We can easily change our layout.
The development cost of this website is very low.
Updating a content takes too much time.
Premium web designing is very hard thing.
Controlling the web content is very hard when the shape of website become bigger.

Dynamic Website

For loading Web technology or Starting Web pages, the value data of a Website which is changeable Called "Dynamic Website".

We need to learn HTML, PHP, ASP for build a dynamic website.

Dynamic website have many character.Which are--

  • This kind of website always have changeable data or interactive webpage.
  • Page design or content may be changed at the running time.
  • Database are using for developing this website.
  • JavaScript, PHP, ASP, perl, net are used for developing this website.
Page content are changeable for user demand.
We can update data quickly.
Determined page are displayed for determined users.
It have facility of taking input from the users.
It can load many data.
We can make attractive and interactive layout.
it takes too much time when load for adding database and many graphics elements.
Developing this type of website is very complicated.
The developing cost is too much.

Differentiate between Static and Dynamic website--

Static Website Dynamic Website
  • The page content are specific.
  • The page content are changeable.
  • In the running time, page content are unchangeable.
  • It may be change in the run time.
  • This type of Browser are fast loading.
  • It takes time in the loading time.
  • It don't have used any database.
  • It have used database software.
  • HTML and CSS are using for developing this website.
  • PHP, ASP, JavaScript are using for developing this website.
  • Development and Control system are very easy.
  • Development and Control system are very complicated.
  • The developing cost is very low.
  • The developing cost is too much.